The functions and uses of steel pipes / Common methods for processing pipe fittings


    1. Forging method: Use a forging machine to punch and stretch the end or part of the pipe, reducing the outer diameter. Commonly used forging machines include
  rotary type, link type, and roller type.
  2. Stamping method: Use a tapered core on a stamping machine to expand the pipe end to the required size and shape.
  3. Roller method: Place a core inside the pipe and use rollers to push and press on the outer circumference, used for flange processing.
  4. Rolling method: Generally does not use a mandrel, suitable for thick-walled pipes' inner flanges.
  5. Bending forming method: There are three commonly used methods; one is called stretching method, another is called stamping method, and the third is roller method, which uses 3-4 rollers—two fixed rollers and one adjustable roller—to adjust the distance between fixed rollers, resulting in bent finished pipe fittings.
  6. Bulging method: One way is to place rubber inside the pipe and compress it from above with a punch to form a bulge; another method is hydraulic bulging forming, where liquid is filled in the middle of the pipe, and liquid pressure bulges the pipe into the desired shape. Most corrugated pipes are produced using thismethod.